当你有了整体的“outline”(大纲)之后,继续扩展你的结尾段的“conclusion”部分会变得相对容易。关于扩展结尾总结段,你第一件需要注意的事情就是不要使用和前面,尤其是和thesis重复的词句来进行概括。在这一段里,你需要使用不同的词来进行总结,与前文相呼应。以上就是关于五段式论文(Five-paragraph Essay)的写作...
论点A:The 5-paragraph essay is too basic Support 1A: Chicago teacher Ray Salazar says, “The five-paragraph essay is rudimentary, unengaging, and useless.” Support 2A: Elizabeth Guzik of California State University, Long Beach says, “The five paragraph essay encourages students to engage only...
论点A: The 5-paragraph essay is too basic 论点B: There are myriad other ways to write essays, many of which are more thought-provoking and creative than the 5-paragraph essay. 论点C: The 5-paragraph essay does not allow for analytical thinking, rather, it confines students to following a...
Following the conclusion paragraph, you will likely need to create a “Works Cited” and/or a “Bibliography” page if you included any type of research within the five paragraph essay outline. After each quotation or paraphrase in the essay should be a parenthetical citation, and each parenthet...
Sample Outline for a Five-Paragraph Essay This is in relation to "The Hazards of Movie going" Title:The Hazards of Moviegoing I.Introduction A.Introductory statement B.Thesis statement:I like watching movies but I prefer watching them at home. II.Body A.First Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence)...
Five Paragraph Essay Outline Has your teacher assigned a five paragraph essay? Use the outline below to format your paper. Step 1 - Choose a Good Topic When writing an essay, it is important to choose a topic that is not too broad. For example, do not write about football. Choose someth...
Five-Paragraph Essay也就是留学生常说的五段式论文;EssayMIN提示写好英国五段式Essay Outline的7个步骤:1. 确定论文主题(Topic)2. 确定立场3. 写出一个清晰的Thesis Statement4. 三个论点强化Thesis5. 给每个论点找出三个论据6. 扩展Outline7. 扩展结尾段 00分享举报您...
This outline provides a framework for the 5-paragraph essay. Each part of the introduction, body and conclusion is represented. After completing this worksheet, students will be prepared write the rough draft and begin refining the language. ...
Five-paragraph essay format If you’re writing your five-paragraph essay outline—or if you’re diving right into the first draft—it helps to know what information to include in each paragraph. Just like in all prose writing, the basic components of your essay are itsparagraphs. ...
A five-paragraph essay outline Now that you know the parts of a five-paragraph essay, it might help to see them in action. Here’s an outline format you can use to plan your own essays, filled in with examples of a thesis statement, topic sentences for your body paragraphs, and the ...