圣杯牌组 5号牌 FIVE of CUPS圣杯五 逆位 关键词:释怀、宽恕、解脱、放下、心胸宽广 控制好自己能够控制的,不必要为了自己无法掌握的东西担心 牌面细节: 圣杯五逆位,通常是描述终于了解到两个杯子和桥的存在。在这段期间,你愿意让朋友及家人来支持你,或是决定要跨越这座桥到达一个新的、可能更深刻的稳定状态。
Five of Cups Reversed Meaning The Five of Cups reversed represents a paradoxical situation wherein what seems like the worst thing that could happen actually creates a better circumstance. Any incoherent fear, once expressed and faced, can be transformed into a manageable issue. Then you are liber...
Five of Cups Reversed Tarot Card MeaningsWhen reversed, the Five of Cups promises that a time of sorrow is coming to an end. Now the focus is shifting from the three spilled cups before you to the two full ones behind you.Your physical circumstances may be changing for the better. It ...
Five of Cups Reversed Meaning The Five of Cups reversed represents a paradoxical situation wherein what seems like the worst thing that could happen actually creates a better circumstance. Any incoherent fear, once expressed and faced, can be transformed into a manageable issue. Then you are liber...
圣杯牌组 5号牌 FIVE of CUPS 圣杯五 正位关键词:悲伤、忧郁、失落、失望、遗憾、丢三落四在痛苦中回转身,寻找新的机会 牌面细节: 圣杯五是一张代表悲伤、失落与失望的牌。在灰暗的天空底下,有一个人身着黑色斗篷,意志消沉的低头哀悼地上三个倾倒的杯子,里头五颜六色的酒流了出来。他的前方是一条河,...
Five of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Meaning It shows you have recently faced a setback. This failure is making you fear others' reactions to the same. You do not want others to mock at your choice of the wrong path. You are keeping all such weird thoughts and feelings in you. ...
Reversed Five of Cups tarot card meaning The Five of Cups represents dissatisfaction and the emotions that arise when events don't turn out the way you had anticipated. You feel disappointed since a condition hasn't exactly worked out the way you had hoped. This card seems to indicate that ...
牌名:圣杯五(Five Of Cups) 元素:水 代表色:蓝色 关键字:悲伤、失落、失望 含义:毫无根据的,嫉妒,缺乏果断误了大事,而且逃避责任。 牌面解读 灰暗的天空下,一个身披黑色斗篷的男人,面对面前三个倾倒的杯子暗自垂泪。 他面前的河上有一座通往远处村落的桥,预示着他有选择另一个生活状态的机会。面前的三个杯...
[ Reversed? ] ACTIONS suffering aloss letting go of a hope giving up the win experiencing a setback being defeated having a possession taken away saying good-bye feelingbereft breaking up a relationship feeling deprived of love longing to be reunited ...
宝剑组伤在身体上,圣杯组伤在情感上。 圣杯五,最基本的牌意是悲伤。在真心直觉塔罗中,女人躲在浴室里哭泣,墙壁上的每一面镜子,都映照出流泪的眼睛。 灵数从1到5,圣杯五产生失落的情绪,不是因为得不到想要的,而是眼睁睁看着失去。 从女人的态度,我们明白一件事,越放不下的,就越害怕失败。