The film follows a troubled security guard as he begins working at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. While spending his first night on the job, he realizes the night shift at Freddy’s won’t be so easy to make it through. Website: ...
1/6/2025 by Steve Pond The Wrap ‘Conclave’ Screenwriter Rebuffs Megyn Kelly Accusing Film of Being ‘Anti-Catholic’ 1/6/2025 by Tess Patton The Wrap Skip Bayless Accused of Offering Hairstylist $1.5 Million for Sex in Harassment Lawsuit ...
as Blumhouse— the producer of M3GAN, The Black Phone and The Invisible Man— brings Five Nights at Freddy’s to the big screen. The film follows a troubled security guard as he begins working at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. While spending his first night on the job, he realizes the night ...
Josh Hutcherson stars in the film as Mike Schmidt, the unlucky security guard who has been hired on the night shift for an abandoned restaurant called Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. What Mike doesn’t know may kill him, because every night after midnight, the animatronic characters Freddy Fazbear (K...
Five Nights at Freddy’s sure is a movie. Yep. It…It definitely exists. And that actually is merit in itself cause this thing was first announced back in 2015. I knew about this film in middle school. I legit never thought I’d see the day when I could actually watch it, but…Now...
Based on the video game that was first released in 2014, Five Nights at Freddy's stars Josh Hutcherson as Mike, a troubled security guard who begins working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Soon he realizes that the night shift won't be so easy to get through. Fans of the game have been ...
For more of what the critics had to say, check out our Five Nights at Freddy's review roundup. By Billie Melissa Follow billiemelissa_ More Streaming INTERVIEW: “Letting People Go... That’s the Hardest Thing of All, Isn’t It?”– Brett Goldstein Discusses New Film All of You Transfo...