KAMPALA (Reuters) - Five people have died from Ebola in Uganda and another 19 deaths were likely caused by the disease, the president said on Wednesday, but he said he would not order a lockdown because Ebola is easier to manage than COVID-19. The outbreak of the...
An interesting story of a young man with learning difficulties who overcame the problems in his life, through his great talent for sports. This is a true story of how one person made the most of his life and also helped many other people with similar problems. Time: Every Sunday at 8:...
2008). This development in labor market research has been identified as “one of the most exciting developments in labor economics over the past decade” (Cobb-Clark 2015: p. 1). Our study suggests that considering personality traits may lead to a similarly exciting development in family ...
Most interviewee tried to tell the interviewer about death of their under-five but, it is known that due to culture and hiding negative feeling, some interviewee may hide death especially of older child. This may affect the true mortality in the population and can be considered as limitation....
Even though most regions of the world have seen a decline in the number of fatalities due to diarrhea over the years, diarrhea continues to be a major cause of disease and mortality, particularly among young children living in low- and middle-income countries [11, 31, 43]. Young children ...
Rebels attack refugee camp in northern Uganda, killing five people
In the South African context, two species of pines are of primary importance for timber production. For many years,P. patulaandP. radiatawere the most commonly planted softwood species, in summer rainfall and winter rainfall regions respectively (Hongwane et al.2017; FES2020). However, these ...
I recently embarked on a remarkable 2 day journey to murchison falls NP , exploring capativating destinations such as the most powerful falls in the world, at the top of the falls i was welcomed with beautiful waters falling on me, i was also ...
The Tanzania National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) has been implementing most of the key effective interventions as recommended by WHO for vector control and case management together with other initiatives such as preventive therapies. For vector control, NMCP in Tanzania uses insecticide-treated net...
10 Some people were locked up in dark prisons, confined in gloom as bleak as death. They were captives bound by iron chains and misery,11 All because they had rebelled against the directives of the True God and had rejected the wisdom of the Most High.12 So they suffered the heaviness ...