Due to coastal megacities, Mumbai and Karachi city's water pollution condition also deteriorates which is the result of seawater intrusion and anthropogenic activity. Among these five cities, Delhi and Dhaka are partially depending on the adjacent river with ground water extraction. Different trace ...
Optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system for off-grid residential communities using numerical simulation, response surface methodology, and life cycle assessment 2024, Renewable Energy Citation Excerpt : Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power are becoming increasingly important in dim...
On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin & James Costa 🏆 A Five Books Most Recommended Book Read expert recommendations “An educated person is someone who knows at least a little bit about the major disciplines in human endeavour. And in biology, this is what you need to know – no...
There are essentially two types of water pollutant sources, point sources, identifiable points of pollution discharge, and non-point sources, released contaminants from areas where water flows from rain events. Point sources are pollutant discharge locations that can be easily identified, measured, and...
Climate and hydrology are major drivers of ecosystem structure and function, particularly in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Understanding changes in climate, groundwater, streamflow, and water quality is central to assessing the condition of park resources. This report combines data collected on climate...
State Council and will be formally promulgated in the near future. In addition, at the end of this year, the Ministry of environmental protection will further study air pollution prevention and control and soil remediation technology in addition to major water pollution control and control ...
What are the five factors of soil formation?Soil:Soil is a mixture of minerals and organic material that come in many different types. Soil has different characteristics based on pH, color, size of particles, how well it holds water, and how permeable it is. Plants rely on soil for ...
Phosphorus is a critical agricultural nutrient and a major pollutant in waterbodies due to inefficient use. In the form of rock phosphate it is a finite global commodity vulnerable to price shocks and sourcing challenges. Transforming toward sustainable phosphorus management involves local to global sta...
Health impacts of particulate matter in five major Estonian towns: main sources of exposure and local differences Particulate matter (PM) is the major air pollution problem with health impacts in Estonia. The prevailing sources of particles are traffic and local heatin... Hans,Orru,Marek,... ...
The presence of ECs in marine ecosystems is attributed to various causes with anthropogenic activities as one of the major sources. Specific examples are effluents of municipal, industrial and agricultural activities, compounds excreted from the human body (e.g. pharmaceuticals and their metabolites),...