16 Five Oceans 五大洋 Ocean Anoceanisabodyofsalinewater(咸水)thatcomposesmuch ofaplanet’shydrosphere(水圈).OnEarth,anoceanisoneofthemajorconventionaldivisions oftheWorldOcean.Theseare,indescendingorderbyarea,thePacific,Atlantic,Indian,Southern(Antarctic),andArcticOceans.Thewordseaisoftenused...
There are two garbage gyres in the Atlantic ocean. The larger of them is roughly central and northern in between the American SouthWest and Northern Africa. The smaller of the two is Southern, also centrally located in between South Brazil and the Southern African countries. The major contributor...
While the invention may do little to battle against fivegiant “garbage islands” that flow around the world’s major ocean gyres (环流),it could stop waste from leaving harbours and marinas, for example.Peter Ceglinski and Andrew Turton said theirdevice could spellthe end of polluted seas....
While the invention may do little to battle against five giant "garbage islands" that flow around the world's major ocean gyres (环流), it could stop waste from leaving harbours and marinas, for example. Peter Ceglinski and Andrew Turton said their device could spell the end of polluted ...
connected to poleward-shifting large-scale ocean gyres that are critical for anthropogenic heat uptake and transport17,18. Atmosphere–ocean interactions across the ACC also affect the extent and stability of the Antarctic cryosphere by altering the advection of comparably warm water masses, such as ...