I think there is a middling, rural, and flown-over remnant in America that adheres to our founding principles and traditional morality longing to follow Christ. There is also a rich, urban, and coastal group-Jews among them-who are animated by an Anti-Christ spirit. These two peoples with...
We must hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics; thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress of the CPC and of the second, third, fourth, and fifth plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Com...
deliberative democracycollective intelligencedemocratic innovationsdesign principlesThis article reports a pioneering case study of a crowdsourced law-reform process in Finland. In the crowdsourcing experiment, the public was invited to contribute to the law-reform process by sharing their knowledge and ...
MAIN ARGUMENT Greenfeld attempts to demonstrate how nationalist ideas took hold within four leading Western societies (USA, England, France and Germany) and Russia. Her account begins from late 16th century England, the spatio-temporal “source” of today’s liberal-democratic principles and ideals ...
Third, gendered stakes have not been researched enough; the VoC team and regulation theorists have a male perspective (Estévez‐Abe2005; McCall and Orloff2005). More specifically, both theorists assume the penetration of market principles to the nonmarket sphere, while the gender division of labor...
NATIONALISM: FIVE ROADS TO MODERNITY by Liah Greenfeld Emrah Göker MAIN ARGUMENT Greenfeld attempts to demonstrate how nationalist ideas took hold within four leading Western societies (USA, England, France and Germany) and Russia. Her account begins from late 16 th century England, the spatio-...
Gain a complete understanding of “Slaughterhouse-Five” by Kurt Vonnegut from Blinkist. The “Slaughterhouse-Five” book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.
I felt that politics could not be a science of specific experience; and that the accusations against the Benthamic theory of being a theory, of proceeding à priori by way of general reasoning, instead of Baconian experiment, showed complete ignorance of Bacon's principles, and of the ...
to some extent, and that it does not impact one’s life in an immediate way. Judging from respective societal responses, dying from SARS-CoV-2 is apparently worse than dying from consequences of environmental pollution: an outcome that can hardly be justified from moral principles (Sunstein1997...
The two is to confer the right to confirm an illegal act to the tort authority itself, violating the legal principles of "judge the case of one's own", resulting in abuse of the right to affirm, and the application confirmation is difficult to be effectively protected, and the victim is...