1_Kline-CoverLetter-..> 2009-12-15 09:01 11K 2-Family-248-886-862..> 2009-03-15 16:52 890K 2-SANCHEZ_ZJ-CAIR-Ma..> 2014-06-23 08:21 33K 2.3_Neutron_diffusio..> 2018-10-17 09:26 88K 2.3_Neutron_diffusio..> 2018-10-17 10:00 128K ...
Besides that, to address waste problems during COVID-19 pandemic, there are several national regulations issued that should be followed by city government as well: Law No. 18 of 2008, concerning waste management [74]; and circular letter of the Minister of Environment and Forestry (MenLHK) ...