Guess 4 five-letter words 奖杯心得 ⚠️2021.08.05起,明确规定『奖杯Tips』发布的内容范围 ) 🚫非奖杯相关提问(→这里) 🚫游戏评价(→这里) ⚠️如有违规则扣除一半N币,多次违规不排除禁言处理的可能 为保证『奖杯Tips』内容对于其他玩家的可参考性,还请严格遵守以上规定,也恳请大家一起...
54、orthejob.Irecommendthateveryonereadthisarticle.,Back,LanguagePoints,2ImportantWords,4.signaturen.apersonsnamewrittenbyhimself签名e.g.Theyreturnedherchequebecauseshehadntputhersignatureonit.Hissignaturewassignedatthebottomoftheletter.,Back,LanguagePoints,2ImportantWords,5.regionala.oforinaparticularreg 55...
/ 5haIfn; `haIfEn/ n short line (-) used to join two words together (as in ex-wife; co-operated; long-legged; a ten-dollar bill) or to show that a word has been divided into parts, eg between the end of one line and the beginning of the next 连接号()(用以将两词连接为一...
Please inform me by letter of your 48、plans.请来信把你的计划告诉我。 e.g. I'm very pleased to inform you that your application has been accepted.我非常高兴地通知您,您的申请已被接受。 D on ones way (to)在.的路上24. It turned out there had been two Marines with the same name ...
Hishammuddin: OKT, are you sure the Chinese will be happy with just a letter? Ong Ka Ting: This is the proven trick. Chinese are very forgetful people. Koh Tsu Koon: I’m worried if reporters raise the issue of Damansara school. ...