The e at the end ofhaveandbluedo not affect pronunciation. The e is there because the words would otherwise end in v or u.Impromptuis one of the few exceptions to this rule. 3. Silent E after the letters C and G “soften” their sounds. The letter C can represent the sounds of ei...
Meanwhile, a letter was delivered to my house addressed to her and stamped “PAYMENT OVERDUE” and “SECOND NOTICE” So I’m not the only one she’s scammed. (I marked it “no longer at this address,” and returned it to the sender; lots of luck to them in collecting the debt. I...
Since the day 1 was 12 and first read his letter, some of his words have lived in mybeart. One it aways times out. “Right now, you are pretending to be a time-killer. But I know that one hay, you will do something great that will set you among the very best.” Knowing that ...
She does it because he other option is letter her parent bankrupt themselves. So overall I'd say, yes Yi-Jin is in a bad spot, and SOME instances he has to be selfish, but in many others he chooses to prioritize his wants over others, and repeatedly. Does that make him a bad ...
their union wasn’t totally unwanted or unexpected. Sure, historians haven’t found a letter saying she was totally in LURVE with Henry, but neither have they found one saying he raped her on their wedding night (which admittedly was changed from thebook to the TV show, but it’s still ...
we were doing a phonics exercise wherein we were each assigned a letter of the alphabet and tasked with going to the blackboard (yes, I’m showing my age here, but whatever) and writing down a word beginning with our letter. I got the letter “T”. I then p...
If the draft is awful, but the idea is good, I’ll jot the idea down in yet a different notebook, before destroying the notebook of awful words. I’m not doing anything that other authors don’t do–they just use the delete key where I use a box cutter. I’m not sure I can ...
I have a not-so-secret hope that we’re reaching a sort of technology nausea point, when it becomes utterly clear that pre-digital (or at least pre-smartphone) approaches to certain things were better in many ways, and we begin to re-adopt them […]