4. To put down in writing: take down a letter. take for 1. To regard as: Do you take me for a fool? 2. To consider mistakenly: Don't take silence for approval. take in 1. To receive (an amount of money), as from a business venture: The box office took in $30,000 in an...
/ 5haIfn; `haIfEn/ n short line (-) used to join two words together (as in ex-wife; co-operated; long-legged; a ten-dollar bill) or to show that a word has been divided into parts, eg between the end of one line and the beginning of the next 连接号()(用以将两词连接为一...
4. To put down in writing: take down a letter. take for 1. To regard as: Do you take me for a fool? 2. To consider mistakenly: Don't take silence for approval. take in 1. To receive (an amount of money), as from a business venture: The box office took in $30,000 in an...
TLA Three letter acronym LD Linear dichroism BRs Brassinosteroids DCM Dichloromethane PCC Pyridinium ChloroChromate DMAP 4-Dimethylaminopyridine DMF Dimethylformamide Tf2O Trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride m-CPBA 3-Chloro or metha-chloroperoxybenzoic acid DEPT-135 Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transf...