he finds his car wont start at the crucial moment and he completely loses it in his car cursing a lotta four letter words under his breath. I wont go into the details of what this film is about but its thoroughly entertaining and works on many levels. Fans of this sort of drama ...
cover 1879 (16 Dec.) long, five page letter written in ink from General Gordon to "H. Ex. Geigler Packar, Kabul & Kartoum", from Massawa in Eritrea. This long and important letter records Gordon's meeting with King Hohn of Abyssinia at Debra Tabor. The l
Artist Jana, We do a photo Christmas letter. When I was putting them in envelopes to mail, I realized that in the three pictures I was in, I was wearing the same dress! So I guess I wear mine out by using them every day in one year, instead of over 10 years!! (Yet in the ...
BrandonIVM:It has been a total pleasure listening to your music from the beginning till now and I can’t help but sing a long with your songs still to this day. We all have diverse tastes, viewpoints, and understandings about the world and our Faith. The cool thing that binds us all ...
I write to my friend Marco. Marco could punch a hole in concrete. He is suspect of everything and believer in little. Whenever I’m writing a landing page, I think of the five problems he would have with the product, then sprinkle solutions carefully throughout the copy. Marco isn’t ...
Maybe by fudging the “rules” we squeezed in thirty-three pages instead of twenty but it won’t matter, because that agent won’t even read ONE page let alone thirty-three. An agent will take a single glance, then send the appropriate form letter about how our worknot right for their...
Lessonfive Sectionone Task1Aunpleasanttrip HerbertWilsonandhiswifewenttotheIsleofWightfortheirsummerholiday .Buttheywere bynomeanspleasedwiththeirhotel.Assoonastheyreturnedhome,Herber tdecidedtowritetotheManagerofHappytours. Herbert:Canyouspareamoment,dear?Iwantyoutolistentothisletter. Margaret:Goahead,then...
One on my ring finger of the letter “H” for my great love Heather, one on my right forearm of a phoenix, one is a band of trilobites around my left forearm, one of a four-leaf clover with my son’s name on my left upper arm, one of Raphael’s cherub with my daughter’s ...