And after 20 years a letter arrives from her son: the woman has died but he says he wants to come to the house of the family and he wants to know them. So this handsome young man comes to the house of these three women who are so excited to see him, the new nephew. They love...
Please don't let this be true. Underlining misspelled words is good enough. Please don't correct them for me. Most of the time I mean what I typed, not what Word thinks I thought I typed.Why would anyone take UI cues from Microsoft Word? Are they going to introduce the line ...
the next step is to identify the locations of the tools for performing the "what" and, if possible, to explain this in the context of their use. You can do this purely in words, as in the phrase "choose the Bezier tool from the tools palette", but this is often less...
the beta readers I’ve sent it out to have sent some very kind things. I’ll have to remember them when the rejection letter begins coming in when I send it out to literary agents.
“The American Cents (says a letter from Newark) do not answer our expectation. The chain on the reverse is but a bad omen for liberty, and liberty herself appears to be in a fright. May she not justly cry out in the words of the Apostle, ‘Alexander, the copper-smith hath done me...
message.content # Iterate through the prompts and get responses responses = [] num_tests = 5 for idx, prompt in enumerate(test_prompts): # prompt number as a letter var_name = chr(ord('A') + idx) for i in range(num_tests): # Get a response from the model response = get_...
This is out of the scope of this lesson, but check out How to connect to a Raspberry Pi using a Mac and How to make sure the Raspberry Pi has always the same IP address if you’re interested in doing so.You can also overcome this problem in other ways, like using an additional ...
. Even back then it was more usual to have songs likeBabooshkaandEscape (The Piña Colada Song)with lyrics about marriages chasing the thrill of the forbidden. Prince flipping this message into forbidden sex chasing the thrill of marriage is more subversive to us today than any four-letter ...
“Everything was a lie from the beginning. The asymptomatic people don’t transmit. Kids were not harbingers of the disease. They don’t actually, they’re like a break on the disease. Lockdowns were a farce. Masks don’t work.” Continue reading → This entry was posted in Uncategoriz...
“Everything was a lie from the beginning. The asymptomatic people don’t transmit. Kids were not harbingers of the disease. They don’t actually, they’re like a break on the disease. Lockdowns were a farce. Masks don’t work.” Continue reading → This entry was posted in Uncategoriz...