when we speak English, wu do not say each word separately. We link many of the words together. Vowel sounds when a word ending with a vowel sound is put together with a word starting with a vowel sound, we say them as if they were joined with the letter -y-see(y)Asia my(y)estim...
If the letters A, B, C, D, E, F and G are to be used in a five-letter code, how many different codes are possible if repetitions are permitted?For the word COMPUTER: a) How many different arrangements are there?...
How many 3-letter passwords, with no letters repeating and the second letter must be a vowel, can be made using the letters a though z? How many 5 letters words can you make if the last letter must be a vowel and the word must cont...
Rhythm and chasm are ONE SYLLABLE words. The rule is a syllable is a word or part of a word with a VOWEL SOUND. You see 2 vowels in the word COME, but come has one syllable because it has only one vowel sound. There are three vowels in the word AGAIN, but again has 2 syllables...
Analysis: you can guess, after the poet has received letters from friends, the letter said he hopes to return to his hometown as soon as possible. Poets naturally hope to come home soon. But for a variety of reasons, the desire can not be achieved temporarily. The first sentence, the ...
I would decipher a sound which a cockney would represent by zerr, and a Frenchman by seu, and then write demanding with some heat what on earth it meant. Sweet, with bound- less contempt for my stupidity, would reply that it not only meant but obviously was the word Result, as no ...
6)Velar(软腭音):made with the back of the tongue and the soft palate [k,g,ŋ] 7) Glottal (喉音): : The vocal cords are brought momentarily together to create the obstruction. [h] Describe the underlined consonants according to three dimensions: vd/vl place manner Letter Brother Sunny ...
[06:43.12]Vowel sounds when a word ending with a vowel sound is put together [06:50.38]with a word starting with a vowel sound, [06:55.06]we say them as if they were joined with the letter -y-see(y)Asia my(y)estimate [07:05.20]However, if the first word ends with an osjound,...
Using the letters of the word SQUARE, how many 6 letter arrangements are possible if we don't repeat any letter and we want consonants and vowels to alternate beginning with a consonant? a. 720 b. 9 c How many different ways can the letters of "facetiously" be ...
Here strings may use the same letter more than once. How many strings of 4 lower case English letters are there that have the letter x in them somewhere? here strings may use the same letter more than once. How many strings of four Eng...