The seventh edition of Alford's Commentary contains, an interesting letter, pointing out that Siloam itself was probably the pool of Bethesda, and that the remains of four columns in the east wall of the pool, with four others in the centre, show that there was a structure half covering ...
作者: Franois Rabelais[著] 出版社: 辽宁人民出版社 出版时间: 2019.01 ISBN: 978-7-205-09471-3 主题: 英语 丛编: 最经典英语文库 中图法分类号: H319.4:I565.43 【中图法分类】 H 语言、文字>H3常用外国语>H31英语 【学科分类】 文学>外国语言文学>英语语言文学 ...
and JFK opted to let one live just three days before his assassination, although never used the word “pardon” — but the brunt of the time, El Prez was given a turkey, posed for a photo with it and ate the motherfucker. Harry Truman...