1、chapter 5 summarizing,summary definition: the gist or main theme of a piece of writing expressed in as few words as possible requirements: clear, brief, and complete, with all the essential points included, so that the general effect of the original is achieved.,focus 1 uses of summary-...
This year saw a fresh wave of art in the streets with more than one homecoming and some clever new approaches. Steve Powers: Philadelphia Love Letter Seizing on the power of extremely personal art,Steve Powersswathed his native Philadelphia in his typography-based murals. A 50-work strong love...
Miss Pratt eventually gets around to discussing how it's upsetting that Dolly "has written a most obscene four-letter word which our Dr. Cutler tells me is low-Mexican for urinal with her lipstick on some health pamphlets". Humbert says he'll thrash it out with her and Miss Pratt says ...