Which brings me to the lyrics. They are the most religious Prince had written to date and lean heavily into imagery of the Holy Trinity, with verses moving from the perspective of God (“I’m not a woman, I’m not a man”), through Jesus (“I’m your messiah”) and ending on the...
“Seventy” could be the preferred reading if scribes drew from the tradition of the number of translators of the LXX, which the Letter of Aristeas puts at seventy-two (TCGNT 127), although this is far less likely. All things considered, “seventy-two” is a much more difficult reading ...
aspecificletteranditssound,onlyasitrelatestothe writtenword.Phonicsisused,forexample,whenareadercomesacrossanunknown word.Withknowledgeofphonics,hecantrytoreadthewordbyfocusingonthespecific soundofeachletterorcombinationofletters.Forexample,ifachilddoesnotrecognize thewordchant,hemightbreakthewordapartintopieces...