“The Epoch Times just ran a story where 17 million people’s deaths with all-cause mortality have been attributed to these shots. This is just the beginning because this is a slow kill” This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged Bioweapon, COVID, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Greg Hunt...
“The Epoch Times just ran a story where 17 million people’s deaths with all-cause mortality have been attributed to these shots. This is just the beginning because this is a slow kill” This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged Bioweapon, COVID, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Greg Hunt...
54、orthejob.Irecommendthateveryonereadthisarticle.,Back,LanguagePoints,2ImportantWords,4.signaturen.apersonsnamewrittenbyhimself签名e.g.Theyreturnedherchequebecauseshehadntputhersignatureonit.Hissignaturewassignedatthebottomoftheletter.,Back,LanguagePoints,2ImportantWords,5.regionala.oforinaparticularreg 55...
Once conceived, there is no choice except to be the motherly maidservant of the Lord to bring the pre-born to its own nativity, or else it is obedience to the Murderer from the beginning, and rebellion and hatred of God. The Word put on flesh, and if we don’t normally think of ...