Imagery, concreteness, age-of-acquisition, familiarity, and mean- ingfulness values for 205 five-letter words having single-solution anagrams. Behav Res Meth Instrum 1977;9:12-7.Gilhooly, K. J. Bigram statistics for 205 five-letter words having single-solution anagrams. Behavior Research Methods...
We link many of the words together. Vowel sounds when a word ending with a vowel sound is put together with a word starting with a vowel sound, we say them as if they were joined with the letter -y-see(y)Asia my(y)estimate
Kindly hand me down the letter K of the American Encyclopaedia which stands upon the shelf beside you. Thank you. Now let us consider the situation and see what may be deduced from it. In the first place, we may start with a strong presumption that Colonel Openshaw had some very strong...
“5S”,其具体含义如下: 5S is Japanese SEIRI (reorganization), SEITON (reorganization), SEISO (sweeps clear), SEIKETSU (cleanly), SHITSUKE (tutelage) these five words, because it spells the first letter all is “S”, therefore is called as “5S”, its concrete meaning is as follows:[...
Five Aces: Directed by David Michael O'Neill. With Charlie Sheen, Christopher McDonald, David Sherrill, Jeff Cesario. Chris Martin is a bachelor who wants to take the plunge and marry to his long-time girlfriend. Wanting to enjoy his last few days when h
“On the third day after the coming of the letter my father went from home to visit an old friend of his, Major Freebody, who is in command of one of the forts upon Portsdown Hill. I was glad that he should go, for it seemed to me that he was farther from danger when he was ...
3) Anita Baker –“Love You To The Letter”(fromCompositions) –“I love the jazz-soul and Anita is one of the best at it. Most of her best work sounds a bit dated now (early ’80s synth-driven jazz’n’b) but I love it still. This is a slower, more traditional jazz ballad....
Current –To Eight, Fall of Five “You want to talk about right? What's right about sending a bunch of children to a strange planet so they can fight a war they don't even understand? What's right about giving those children numbers instead of names? It's sick...You fight because ...
CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX“A Manifestation of Hysteria”I am very distressed, as I assume you are, over the Oppenheimer matter. I feel that it is somewhat like inquiring intothe security risk of a Newton or a Galileo.JOHN J. MCCLOY to President Dwight D. EisenhowerAFTER OPPENHEIMER WAS EXCUSED fro...
GARRISON’S DIRECT EXAMINATION of Oppenheimer thus concluded as it had begun: as a reinforcement of his responses to the AEC’s letter of charges. It had gone well, Oppenheimer and his lawyers believed. But as Robb began his cross-examination, it became clear that he had a carefully worked...