5. Husband went out to lunch with his three indoor golf buddies and brought home half of his breakfast. As he was putting it in a to-go box, one of the guys said, “You sure must love that dog to bother bringing food home to him.” My husband was very pleased with his wit when...
you defeat bad guys, and move along quickly. Now my main heroes and a few others are on level 40 (over a week now) but I still can’t come even close to winning certain quests. A few heroes are full maxed out in orbs and levels, with points allocated to defense and offense in ...
I also love AT HOME DATES of Italian dinner, pretty plates,candles, and Dean Martin on my spotify app.BETTER than a restaurant! No tipping and no wait staff calling us “you guys” and no LOUD MUSIC,so we can actually TALK to one another. Cleanded up my freezer and found all kinds...
The guys are starting today to redo all the heating pipes by the ceiling, rather than jackhammer the floor. $10,000 more. Frugal Fail 3: Sold some antiques. I was so late sending because I just could not get it together, I had to overnight. Ashamed to mention how much. Frugal Fail...
Let’s take a look at the digital features banks should provide to level the playing field with the big guys. A Data Management Dashboard Consumers have bank accounts and payment cards connected to many services. As trusted custodians of our money, banks are best-equipped to help their custom...
I grew up believing that following the news makes you a better citizen. Eight years after having quit, that idea now seems ridiculous—that consuming a particularly unimaginative information product on a daily basis somehow makes you thoughtful and infor
Five Heroes: The King's WarRatings and Reviews 4.5out of 5 2.5K Ratings
this past winter–hard pass, and that’s not why you’re even here, guys, seriously. —I unintentionally granted myself a much-needed day off by tuning into PlutoTV’s Godzilla channel. PlutoTV is a free service (albeit with commercials) with a channel for truly EVERYTHING. Re: ...
I had some referral credit (thanks, you guys!), so the shirt was free for her. 5. I got all the paperwork in for 50% off college classes. Since Lisey is still in high school, she gets 50% off her tuition at the community college as long as I get all the necessary paperwork subm...
Just started this game and it was awesome Recently updated and the game mechs changed drastically Can’t upgrade your guys as fast Can’t negotiate locations as easily Can’t even enter different stages, you pick your party then nothing Can’t even get ahold of devs through help Wrecked what...