We will not be able to understand and effectively treat AIDS until these myths are exploded and the facts of AIDS installed in their place. Myth 1: HIV progresses to AIDS at the same rate in all risk groups The most powerful and often-cited argument against the need for cofactors and for...
She breathed curiosity into us so that we brought in facts or truths shielded in our hands like captured fireflies.I can tell my son who looks forward with horror to fifteen years of drudgery that somewhere in the dusty dark a magic may happen that will light up the years if he is very...
/ haI5pCWEsIs; haI`pBWEsIs/ n (pl -ses / -si:z; -9siz/) idea or suggestion that is based on known facts and is used as a basis for reasoning or further investigation (根据已知事实提出并有待於进一步论证或研究的)假说, 假设: put sth forward as a hypothesis 提出一种假说 *| prove...
She breathed curiosity into us so that we brought in facts or truths shielded in our hands like captured fireflies.I can tell my son who looks forward with horror to fifteen years of drudgery that somewhere in the dusty dark a magic may happen that will light up the years if he is very...
She breathed curiosity into us so that we brought in facts or truths shielded in our hands like captured fireflies. I can tell my son who looks forward with horror to fifteen years of drudgery that somewhere in the dusty dark a magic may happen that will light up the years if he is ...