所属国家:澳大利亚 Australia 所属城市:菲茨罗伊克罗辛 Fitzroy Crossing 区域:西澳大利亚 Western Australia 时区:08:00 洲:亚洲 海关机场:否 银行信息:Closed on Saturday and Sunday. 清关要求: 菲茨罗伊克罗辛机场介绍: 菲茨罗伊克罗辛机场(FIZ)地理位置
(May 2008 and May 2010) by helicopter, and samples were analysed for a similar suite of chemical and isotopic constituents.The main reach of the Fitzroy River on which these projects have focussed is between Jubilee Downs Station (i.e. downstream of Fitzroy Crossing) and the eastern boundary ...