测量指标设置会在通过 Apple ID 登录的所有设备(如 iPhone 和 iPad)上的“健身” App 中保持同步。 在Apple TV上的“健身” 中进行体能训练期间,执行以下任一项操作: Apple TV Remote 遥控器(第 2 代):按下点按板圆环的下端或在点按板上向下轻扫以显示“简介”面板,然后导航到“测量指标”面板。 Apple TV...
Apple ID 通过Apple 设备登录 多个用户 其他App 和频道 电视提供商 订阅 基础知识 使用遥控器 Apple TV Remote 概览 导航Apple TV 控制播放中的内容 调整音频 激活“搜索” 打开“控制中心” 输入文本 在App 之间快速切换 将Apple TV 置于睡眠状态或将其唤醒 ...
Fitness+ on AppleTV recognizes iPhone but only allows "Guest" access Since updating to iOS 18, our AppleTV Fitness+ app does not recognize my wife's iPhone. All we see is my phone (account holder, which works fine) and a generic "iPhone" option for her phone. When we select this "...
First I have updated software on all devices Restarted etc several times I open Fitness app on my Apple TV Asks me to open the workout app on my Apple Watch to Connect The Apple Watch gives me a pop-up green button to connect I click the button and it gives the spinning icon briefly...
当未将Apple TV正确添加到家庭应用程序时,出现此问题,Apple指示人们按照以下步骤进行修复:在“ Apple TV”上,转到“设置”和“ AirPlay”和“ HomeKit”。您应该会在旁边看到一个红色的徽章。选择完成首页设置。解锁iPhone,并将其靠近“ Apple TV”。按照“ Apple TV”上的说明将Apple TV添加到家庭应用程序。
If you have VoiceOver turned on when you begin a workout, Audio Hints will be automatically enabled. Otherwise, you can turn them on manually by following these steps. Launch the Fitness app on your Apple TV. Select who is working out. Select the workout you want to follow. ...
1、保证Apple TV上的iCloud账户和Apple Watch上的账户一致。AppStore账户设备上的也一致。2、手机开启...
1、保证Apple TV上的iCloud账户和Apple Watch上的账户一致。AppStore账户设备上的也一致。 2、手机开启飞行模式(为了让Apple Watch与手机断开连接) 3、再次尝试连接Apple Watch与Apple TV 就能连接成功,进入fitness+界面。此时手机就可以关闭飞行模式了。
Find Apple Fitness+ on your favorite devices. iPhone iPad Apple TV Apple Watch 3 months free New subscribers get 3 months of Apple Fitness+ free with the purchase of an eligible device.1 Shop now 1 month free New subscribers get 1 month of Apple Fitness+ free, then pay $9.99 per month...
APPLE FITNESS+ Apple Fitness+ is the world’s most welcoming fitness and wellness service and is available in the Fitness app on iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. 12 WORKOUT TYPES, PLUS MEDITATION Expert trainers keep your routine fresh with 12 workout types, from 5 to 45 minutes: • Strength...