美[ˈfɪtnəs] 英['fɪtnəs] n.健康;健壮;适合(某事物或做某事) 网络健身;适应度;适合度 同义词 反义词 n. health,strength,robustness,vigour,vigor 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 fitness 显示所有例句 n. 1. 健壮;健康the state of being physically healthy and strong ...
a high level of physicalfitness 高水平体质 牛津词典 He convinced us of hisfitnessfor the task. 他使我们相信他适合做这项工作。 牛津词典 There were doubts about herfitnessto hold office. 她是否称职还不确定。 牛津词典 He managed to keep hisfitnesslevel up. ...
fitness的意思、解释 fitness 基本解释 fitness 名词健康; 适当,适合; 合情理 fitness fitness 相关例句 名词 1. They're doing exercises to improve their fitness. 他们为增强体质而做体操。 2. fitness是什么意思 2. No one questions her fitness for the job. ...
沪江词库精选fitness是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语 英音 ['fitnis] ; 美音 ['fitnis] ; 名词1.适合,适当2.健康,健身 英语解释 fitness to traverse the seas the condition of being suitable the quality of being qualified good physical condition; being in shape or...
roomOther facilities in the hotel include a fitness room and a sauna.fitness equipmentWe sell a range of exercise and fitness equipment for the home.a fitness fanaticinformal(=someone who likes exercising a lot)My son's something of a fitness fanatic, and works out every day.a fitness test...
2 Fitness+界面介绍 点开健身App,界面比较简洁。最上方是运动方式选项,整体分为器械和无器械。 2.1 一级界面 器械包括:哑铃、跑步机、划船机、单车。 无器械包括:瑜伽、HIIT、跳舞、核心训练、力量训练、运动后恢复训练(mindful cool down)。 其他内容展示:下方的内容,基本上就是根据你的训练内容进行的推荐。Fitnes...
Fitness:健身房|在家锻炼更多来自此开发人员的 App 簿记与会计, 清单, 销售点 商务 预算- 个人理财、家庭预算 Fitness:健身教练|在家锻炼 Diet: Weight loss Healthy food CEOboard 2 商务 1С-Рарус:Мероприятие iCRM.СборщикЗаказов ...
我们只邀请最好的健身教练入驻Fitness Online,无论你的目标是在家里获得更圆润的臀大肌,快速减肥,获得六块腹肌,获得强壮的手臂,获得宽阔的背部,增肌或只是重新塑造你的体型,他们对你所有的健身目标达成都有丰富的知识储备。 订阅: - 付款流程会在你确认购买时启动,款项会从iTunes账户中直接扣除。; - 如果你不...
fitness:健身;健壮;健康;适合(某事物或做某事)。英 [ˈfɪtnəs];美 [ˈfɪtnəs]。1、健壮;健康:the state of being physically healthy and strong身体健康和强壮的状态。2、卫生与健康杂志:a magazine on health and fitness 3、健美教练 / 班;健康...
Apple Fitness and Apple Fitness+ Get a comprehensive view of your fitness including Activity details and history, training load, Trends, Awards, and Sharing wit…