pulchellum and the non‐binding of Helix pomatia (HPA) and wheat germ (WGA) lectins discriminated between G. mikimotoi and the other Gymnodinium species tested. G. breve (Florida) was differentiated from the New Zealand isolates by binding with soy bean (SBA) lectin. Ulex europeus (UEA)...
pulchellum and the nonbinding of Helix pomatia (HPA) and wheat germ (WGA) lectins discriminated between G. mikimotoi and the other Gymnodinium species tested. G. breve (Florida) was differentiated from the New Zealand isolates by binding with soy bean (SBA) lectin. Ulex europeus (UEA) ...
Positive cells identified by FCM were clearer than negative cells thus, in EFM, both GspXM01 and TPXM01 labeled with a WGA lectin probe could be distinguished from target cells of K. mikimotoi, Prorocentrum donghaiense and P. minimum (PMDH01, PMXM01) in mixed algal samples. FCM, EFM and ...