路由器和电脑必须通过 Wi-Fi 连接。 打开电脑、手机或平板电脑上的网络浏览器,然后访问/scale/setup/start。 轻击开始,看到弹窗消息之后再次轻击“开始”。 登录至 账户。 个性化设置 Aria,您可以为其命名,并且可以输入在 Aria 识别您之后,您希望在体重秤上看到的首字母缩写。 取下电池,10 秒钟后再重新装上,使...
注意:如果您在使用 Fitbit Wi-Fi Scale Setup 软件设置 Aria 时遇到问题,请尝试通过 http://fitbit/scale/setup/start 网站上的在线操作进行设置。 5 移动设备设置 Aria 如果您的移动设备具有 Wi-Fi 功能,则可以使用在线设置工具设置 Aria。 1. 通过您的移动设备进入 http://.fitbit/scale/setup/start。
先让我们来看看通过电脑是如何对Aria进行配置,在这之前需要注意的是,要保证电脑是处于在WiFi环境下,如果插有网线请拔掉,笔者建议最好是使用笔记本电脑。 打开浏览器,进入http://www.fitbit.com/cn/start页面,选择Aria Wi-Fi智能乐活体重秤,点击“从这里开始”;根据页面上的提示,选择下载Fitbit的设置软件。笔者使...
Fitbit设备无法同步说明书 Why won't my Fitbit device sync?If you created a Fitbit account and followed the setup instructions, the data your Fitbit device collects should sync with your Fitbit dashboard. To learn more about how syncing works on phones, tablets, and computers, see How do ...
你可以使用 Fitbit Aria 系列体重秤称量体重,并与 Fitbit 应用同步,追踪自己一段时间内的体重数据和变化趋势。 全部展开全部收起 如何设置 Fitbit 体重秤? 如何判断我的 Fitbit 体重秤是哪一款? 如何放置和清洁 Fitbit 体重秤? Fitbit 体重秤防水吗?
Your iPhone is connected to cellular data or Wi-Fi. The Bluetooth setting on your iPhone is turned on. To check, tap Settings Bluetooth . If you use more than one phone or tablet to sync, make sure the other device isn't nearby. If the device is nearby, turn off Bluetooth on it. ...
And you have to train it for that because this scale is set up for multiple users over Wi-fi. It's a whole new ball game for me. When you have weighed on the Aria 2 awhile, you will see it work properly if you have done all your homework. Give this scale a good couple of ...
For some Fitbit devices — particularly the Ionic and Versa watches and the Aria 2 smart scale — make sure the device that’s running the Fitbit app is connected to Wi-Fi. Wait, what if the device that’s running the Fitbit app doesn’t have Bluetooth? That’s a drag, but you’...
and the screen should display "Setup active". At this point, the Fitbit Aria scale generates its ownAd-hocWi-Fi network, to which you must connect your device when instructed. You can then continue with the setup to enter the details of your home network. Be warned, you'll need to kn...