Q: Can I wear my Versa 4 in the water to do water aerobics? submitted byJC - 1 year ago A:I HAD a versa 3 and used it during my water aerobics class once. I researched whether it could be used in the pool and the answer was yes that 50 m was OK. Sad to say that was NOT...
Ace, Inspire, Sense, Versa 3+, and Luxe versions of Fitbit come with water lock mode. This prevents the screen and buttons of your fitness tracker from responding to swipes and touches. To turn it off, dry your Fitbit and if you have Inspire or Luxe, double-tap your screen. If you ...
Q2: How long does the Fitbit Versa battery last? The battery life of the Fitbit Versa is 4 or more days on a single charge. How to turn on the Fitbit Versa after shutdown? To restart your Fitbit Versa after a shutdown, press and hold the Back and bottom right button for about ...
Fitbit: Health & FitnessRatings and Reviews 4.5out of 5 457.3K Ratings
Specifications: Material: Premium Elastic Nylon Clasp Type: Secure Nylon Strap Band Length: Adjustable to Fit Various Wrist Sizes Band Material Type: Durable and Breathable Nylon Compatibility: Fitbit Versa 3, Versa 2, Versa Lite, and Fitbit Sense Design: Sleek Woven Loop with Elastic Fabric for...
On the newer Fitbit Versas and Sense there’s only one button. So do this exact same procedure by pressing on it. To turn it back on, press any of the buttons. 2. Change the face of the clock A restart does not solve the problem for everyone. It would be nice if it were that...
您不能同时将Fitbit Ionic和Fitbit Versa连接到同一帐户。 您需要先从帐户中删除一个帐户,然后再添加另一个帐户进行同步。 #7。 重新启动Fitbit设备 有时,仅重启Fitbit也可以使其恢复正常。 重新启动Firbit设备不会删除任何活动数据,但通知除外。 在这里学习在iPhone上恢复已删除的应用数据. ...
您不能將Fitbit Ionic和Fitbit Versa都連接到同一帳戶。 您需要先從帳戶中刪除一個帳戶,然後再添加另一個帳戶進行同步。 #7。 重新啟動Fitbit設備 有時,僅重啟Fitbit也可以使其恢復正常。 重新啟動Firbit設備不會刪除任何活動數據,但通知除外。 在這裡學習在iPhone上恢復已刪除的應用數據. ...
My daughters Versa has been the same way and it’s extremely frustrating. I have been using FitBit for many years, because I love them! My first FitBit lasted several years and was awesome!! I’m at a point where we may be trying different tracking company and forgo my husband’s ...