除了Android、iOS、win10三大移动系统都有对应app,而且Fitbit估计也是唯一有PC软件(但真的只有同步功能)的智能手环厂商。此前Fitbit甚至附送了给PC用的USB蓝牙接收器,但后者使用率太低,今年的产品已经不再附送了,有需要的用户得额外购买。 官网上的说明书以问题的形式罗列,过万字的详细说明,虽然部分地方还有比较浓...
除了Android、iOS、win10三大移动系统都有对应app,而且Fitbit估计也是唯一有PC软件(但真的只有同步功能)的智能手环厂商。此前Fitbit甚至附送了给PC用的USB蓝牙接收器,但后者使用率太低,今年的产品已经不再附送了,有需要的用户得额外购买。 官网上的说明书以问题的形式罗列,过万字的详细说明,虽然部分地方还有比较浓...
背面则跟大多数的数码产品包装一样列举产品特性,上方的是手环功能,包括:测量日常活动、睡眠质量和健身运动,时钟和提醒功能,腕带特性,全平台同步;下方则是配套APP功能,包括:查看图表,好友互动,取得勋章,记录食物体重等数据 左右两侧则有实物大小的产品图以及手腕宽度比对图 从外盒可抽出天蓝色的内盒,上层有手环和一些...
* iPhone or iPad (iOS 11+) or Android phone (OS 7+)* Latest version of the Fitbit app.Is My Phone Operating System Compatible With the Fitbit app?To use the Fitbit app you must have one of the following operating systems installed on your phone or tablet:∙Apple iOS 11 or higher...
Fitbit Zip智能乐活夹扣用户手册说明书 用户手册 版本1.2
But Saylor declined to rule the patents invalid, saying Philips had done enough in the early stages to allege the patents contain an inventive concept that transforms the abstract ideas into something that is eligible for patent protection.Matthew BultmanBloomberg Law IP Law News...
And as an incentive, you can link with friends, family and colleagues to compete against each other on the leaderboard, get involved in daily or weekly Challenges and Adventures, and win badges determined by passing goals, and historical milestones. These aspects of the Fitbit system really set...
Fitbit Alta has a metal body and rubber band, which is attached to the main body. It pins on securely and will not fall off for sure, but you may feel a slight wobbling of the metal body. On the inside the band features coarse texture. The band has 11 holes which makes it suitable...
Fitbit One 用户指南说明书 用户手册 版本 1.2