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好多人每月駛一大筆錢去 Gym 做健身,如果你唔係想用器械幫你練出一身肌肉,只係想做下運動令自己變得更加健康,只需有一部 Windows 10 電腦或者 Xbox One 遊戲機,喺屋企一樣可以有個人專屬的教練為你制訂健身計劃。 運動健康產品品牌 Fitbit 日前在 Microsoft Store 推出 Fitbit Coach,提供影片讓你可以跟著鍛煉。
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Alternatively, you can use the Fitbit app for Windows 10 on your computer, or use Fitbit Connect to sync with a Mac or Windows 8.1 computer to access your data and take advantage of the many features of your Fitbit device. For more information, see How do I set up my Fitbit device...
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1 in 4 of adults develop arrhythmias in their life 4.25 million strokes each year because of arrhythmias 75% of these strokes can be prevented Start free trial Empower yourself with the first medical app available on your Fitbit smartwatch ...
Force,高性能腕带追踪器为您打造贴心健身体验。??产品说明Fitbit Force无线运动+睡眠追踪器礼盒包括:Force腕带充电线无线同步适配器如何佩戴Fitbit Force1.首先把腕带佩戴在手腕上,使屏幕面向手腕外侧。2.同时调整腕带两侧,使手腕保持舒服的状态,将搭扣和扣眼扣紧。??3.使用大拇指和食指压紧搭扣,听到“嗒”声即可。