GET MORE ACTIVE: See how small moves add up by using your smartphone to track steps and distance—or pair with a tracker or smartwatch to record your heart rate, Active Zone Minutes, calories burned and more. It’s a fitness planner in your pocket: Use the app as a diary to set goal...
I have been using the Fitbit versa for a couple of months. Initially it synced, one fine day it falls off all day sync without notice. I tried restarting the phone, blue tooth and the watch itself multiple times. I even uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. Initially it could still ...
这似乎是让用户摆脱 Fitbit 设备并将他们推向Google Pixel Watch 的明显推动力。 与此同时,Apple 年复...
iPhone Apple Watch Description Sync Heart Rate, HRV, Blood Oxygen, Sleep, Workouts, Steps and 17 more! Auto Sync Fitbit to Health App or Syncfit is designed to seamlessly transfer your health and fitness data from your Fitbit account to the Apple Health app. With this app you can easily...
手腕上的战争!Fitbit新品对标Apple Watch,主打健康功能 【猎云网(微信号:)】8月29日报道(编译:商纣)Fitbit刚刚发布了Versa 2智能手表,这也是Apple Watch的新款竞品。Versa 2将于9月15日上市,起价199.95美元。该公司周三表示,两款配有独特表带和Fitbit Premium功能的特别版智能手表售价为229.95美元。虽...
还有一个流行的说法就是,苹果认为Fitbit的产品已经过时了,不过现在我们看到,iPhone的用户依然对Fitbit很感兴趣,而且分析师还提到,iPhone的用户并不介意自己在拥有一个Apple Watch之后,继续购买一个Fitbit手环。苹果希望Apple Watch成为用户们的第一选择,那么Fitbit吸引iPhone的情况,他们自然不会忽视。看起来,苹果...
for onboard apps. The number of titles is extremely limited at the moment but does include ones from Pandora, Starbucks, and Strava, as well as first-party options for weather, timers/alarms, and locally-stored music. There's even a "Relax" app similar to "Breathe" on the ...
1. Apple Watch 比 Fitbit 显示更多的浅睡眠或核心睡眠和更少的深度睡眠 跟踪您的睡眠阶段和周期最准确地是通过多导睡眠图完成的;这并不像整夜监测心率那么简单。多导睡眠图通过跟踪您的脑电波、呼吸和心率、血氧水平以及整夜的眼睛和身体运动来分析您的睡眠。当您在多导睡眠图期间睡觉时,可以进行脑电图 (EEG...
Fitbit的腕带产品支持很多健康监测类功能,体积比Apple Watch更小,价格也更为便宜。Fitbit有两种腕带产品,Charge 2和Alta HR,两款的售价都为150美元,他们提供的很多健身追踪功能和Apple Watch一样。这两款设备都有心率监测器和高度计,而高度计则是在Apple Watch 3上才新增的一项功能。Fitbit的Charge 2和Alta ...