The ssh user authentication-type command configures an authentication type for an SSH user. The undo ssh user authentication-type command restores the default authentication mode for an SSH user. By default, the password authentication mode is used for SSH users. Format ssh user user-name authentic...
The header command configures the header information displayed on a terminal when users log in to a connected device. The undo header command deletes the header information displayed on a terminal when users log in to a connected device. By default, no header information is displayed on terminals...
FIT模式AP下行口VLAN管理典型配置举例 056-H3C FIT+Cloud模式AP下行口VLAN管理典型配置举例(V7) 057-H3C无线控制器WIPS典型配置举例 058-H3C无线控制器WIPS针对所有SSID进行反制典型配置举例 059-H3C无线控制器IPv4源地址验证典型配置举例 060-H3C无线控制器IPv6源地址验证典型配置举例 061-H3C无线控制器IPS典型配置举例...
在P-E fit的概念和分类方面,Muchinsky和Monahan(1987)的JVB论文非常有启发性,提出了相似性匹配 (Supplementary fit,即个人特征与环境中的其他个体或者事物的相似性)和互补式匹配(Complementary fit,即个人和环境能否满足双方的需求)两大类型...
020-On Fit&评价系统-06302023 1 2025-01 021-On 身前无人-07072023 5 2025-01 022-On Self-regard-08042023 2 2025-01 023-On 音乐的秘密&修来的福分&人与人的相处与暗黑破坏神-08112023 6 2025-01 024-On 今年感觉过得比较快& Judge not III-08132023 ...
薄荷食物库/谷薯芋、杂豆、主食/ Fit Joy Protein Bar南瓜味蛋白棒 健身人群一般人群 Fit Joy Protein Bar南瓜味蛋白棒的热量和减肥功效 热量:355大卡(100克) 分类:谷薯芋、杂豆、主食 营养信息 营养素含量(每100克) 营养素含量(每100克) 热量(大卡)355.00 ...
The user-interface command displays one or multiple user interface views. Format user-interface [ ui-type ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ] Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue ui-type Specifies the type of a user interface. If the user interface is specified, the relative number is used....
The verbose command enables the verbose function on the FTP client. The undo verbose command disables the verbose function. By default, the verbose function is enabled. Format verbose undo verbose Parameters None Views FTP client view Default Level 3: Management level Usage Guidelines After the...
<HUAWEI> ftp [HUAWEI-ftp] open Trying ... Press CTRL+K to abort Connected to 220 FTP service ready. User( 331 Password required for test. Enter password: 230 User logged in. [HUAWEI-ftp] # Connect the FTP client ...
The capwap dtls psk command configures a pre-shared key (PSK) used for DTLS encryption. The default username and password are available in WLAN Default Usernames and Passwords (Enterprise Network or Carrier). If you have not obtained the access permission of the document, see Help on the web...