FIT Controller for eMotion LV1 Product Setups Support $1,200Price $1200 Add to CarteMotion LV1现场调音台的高级触觉控制 FIT控制器让你可以亲手、直观、细致地控制Waves eMotion LV1现场调音台。由Waves Audio 和专业MIDI控制器公司MIDIPLUS共同设计,无缝的软件/硬件集成让你可以完全掌握现场混音。 FIT拥有16+1...
Learn how to integrate the WaveseMotion LV1live mixer with the WavesFIT Controller– a compact, intuitive control surface for tactile hands-on control of the LV1 software mixer. In this webinar, WavesLive specialist and live mixing engineer Jeremiah Clever goes through the controller’s features, ...
WAVES x MIDIPLUS:FIT 控制器正式官宣 2020初的美国NAMM SHOW中,WAVES发布了由MIDIPLUS、WAVES联合研发的硬件控制台——FIT 控制器。 FIT是一款可用于eMotion LV1现场调音的控制器,直观的控制界面,可以为现场音响工程师提供对eMotion LV1调音台的快速有效操作。 FIT一发布在NAMM SHOW中一发布,就立马受到国内外媒体广大...
MidiPlus FIT控制器用户指南说明书
The ultimate package for world-class live sound: eMotion LV1 live software mixer, FIT controller, two 32-preamp SoundGrid Stageboxes (64 preamps in total), SoundGrid Extreme Server-C, Axis One computer, and accessories.
When the FIT Controller is powered on on, the screen above the master fader will display the currently installed firmware version number: Revision 1 FIT controllers were shipped with v1.x.x firmware. Revision 2 FIT controllers are shipped with V2.x.x firmware. ...
文章出处 转载新闻请注明出自 Midifan.com暂无评论 用户名 密码 匿名发表 相关产品 Waves - FIT MIDI控制器 Waves在NAMM2020Show上发布了由Waves与MIDIPLUS联合开发的紧凑型硬件控制台FIT,直观的控制界面可为现场调音师操控eMotionLV1提供快速、...