1.4TheFitandProperGuidelinesaremadeundersection399oftheSFOto replacetheFitandProperCriteriaissuedinDecember2000.Theyoutlinea numberofmattersthattheSFCwillnormallyconsiderindeterminingwhether apersonisfitandproper.ThematterssetoutintheseGuidelinesarenot exhaustive.TheseGuidelinesdonothavetheforceoflawandshouldnotbe ...
2) Fit and Proper Criteria,The 《适当人选的准则》3) His election is a sure thing. 他准会当选的。4) Supplementary Notes to the Fit and Proper Criteria (for applicants applying for licences under the Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Ordinance) 《〈适当人选的准则〉补充附注》(适用于根据《...
In considering whether they are fit and proper persons for the purpose of the Ordinance, the SFC will take into account whether they have established effective internal control procedures to ensure their compliance with all regulatory [...] legco.gov.hk 在考慮該 中介人是否就該 條例的目 的 而...
RIs should ensure that the Fit and Proper Guidelines, the Guidelines on Competence and the Guidelines on Continuous Professional Training issued by SFC are complied with12 , an individual engaged by a RI in a regulated activity should have the same qualification and competence as a representative ...
International Journal of Geo-Information Article Evaluating a Fit-For-Purpose Integrated Service-Oriented Land and Climate Change Information System for Mountain Community Adaptation Adish Khezri 1,* ID , Rohan Bennett 2 ID and Jaap Zevenbergen 1 ID 1 Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth ...