object-fit demo See the Pen object-fit by xgqfrms (@xgqfrms) on CodePen. padding-top 将padding-top 设置成百分比,可以让一个div的高度被撑开 See the Pen css 图片居中处理 by xgqfrms (...
border-bottom:1pxsolid#fff; background-size:cover; background-position:centercenter; box-sizing:border-box; } .three-img-other-3{ width:33.3333%; padding-top:33.3333%; float:left; background-size:cover; background-position:centercenter; box-sizing:border-box; } /* background-image */ 1....
深入理解CSS中的object-fit和background-size,这两个属性在图片尺寸控制和应用场景中发挥着关键作用。通过调整元素内的内容如何适应其容器,这两个属性能够避免图像在不一致的尺寸下被压缩或拉伸。当图像与设定的容器尺寸不匹配时,object-fit提供了多种解决方案。例如,object-fit: contain保持图像长宽比,...
至于background-position,它类似于object-position的工作方式。唯一的区别是,object-position的默认位置与background-position的默认位置不同。 什么时候不使用object-fit或background-size? 如果元素或图像被赋予一个固定的高度,并应用了background-size: cover或object-fit: cover,那么图像就会有一个点太宽,从而失去重要...
image.png 大多数情况下,默认值会被使用(即center或50% 50%) 当容器的纵横比在垂直方向上更大时,top和bottom关键字也可以使用: object-position: top(左侧)和object-position: bottom(右侧)对比。 CSSbackground-size 使用background-size时,主要区别在于我们处理的是背景,而不是 HTML 的img元素。
The CSS properties object-fit and object-position allow for the sizing and positioning of embedded images and other replaced elements, similar to the CSS background-size and background-position properties for background images. The object-fit property provides options for how an image is displayed...
CSS图片自适应object-fit 图片自适应object-fit 当图片比例不固定时,想要让图片自适应,一般都会用background-size:cover/contain,但是这个只适用于背景图。css3中可使用object-fit属性来解决图片被拉伸或是被缩放的问题。使用的提前条件:图片的父级容器要有宽高。
Hi i have tried to set background image to screen without scale but it didn't work please tell me if anyone know thank you..Reply Answers (4) html form data to be saved in excel using javascript Software Testing - Selenium About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy Terms Media Kit Sitemap ...
object-position属性的作用类似于CSS的background-position属性。 post18image8.jpeg 大多数情况下,使用默认值(例如,"center "或 "50% 50%")。 当容器的长宽比在垂直方向上较大时,top和bottom关键字也会起作用。 post18image9.jpeg 比较object-position: top(left)和object-position: bottom(right)。
Since, in designing a website sometimes we need a banner image that fits on screen without any space around the image. And sometimes we need a section that filled with background image without any space around that section. So, in this we will learn how