Of the 143979 characters on Anime Characters Database, 135 are from the franchise Fist of the North Star (Series).
Of the 143694 characters on Anime Characters Database, 13 are from the anime Legends of the Dark Kings: A Fist of the North Star Story.
Here you can see how the anime “Fist of the North Star: Legend of the True Savior - The Legend of Kenshiro” and other works are related to one another. These relations are always useful in figuring out the correct order of a series of shows or identifying cameos or Easte...
A Japanese dub of the film was produced by Toei Video which featured the cast of the 1980s anime TV series reprising their roles. The film, which loosely adapts the first story arc of the original manga, centers around Ken (Daniels), the lone master of the "North Star" martial art ...
5types Japan Anime Fist of -the North Star Gold cards Raoh Kenshiro collectible plastic banknotes for fans gift collection, You can get more details about 5types Japan Anime Fist of -the North Star Gold cards Raoh Kenshiro collectible plastic banknotes f
Use the screenshots to get a first impression of the anime Fist of the North Star: Legend of the True Savior - The Legend of Kenshiro (Shin Kyuuseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken: Zero - Kenshirou-den).
Of the 143896 characters on Anime Characters Database, 135 are from the franchise Fist of the North Star (Series).
Of the 143961 characters on Anime Characters Database, 10 are from the ova New Fist of the North Star.
Related anime:Fist of the North Star (movie) (alternate retelling) Fist of the North Star 2 (TV) (sequel) New Fist of the North Star (OAV) (sequel)Alternative title: El Puño de la Estrella del Norte (Spanish) Hokuto no Ken (Japanese) Ken il guerriero (Italian) Ken le survivant ...
Go back to Legends of the Dark King: A Fist of the North Star Story main page | sort by edited episode number Note: We are NOT a download site! None of these episodes are available for download! Episode titles: 2008-10-02 1. waga kobushi ha ten notame! わが拳は天のため! 20...