to only a small fraction, of the order of 0.7wt.%, ofnatural uranium; the balance is made up of the more abundant isotope238U (99.3wt.%). Thorium has only one abundant naturally occurring isotope,232Th. In contrast, as mentioned, in the case of238U, naturally occurring uranium is availa...
裂变同位素, 裂變同位素 are the top translations of "fissile isotope" into Chinese. Sample translated sentence: All nuclear warheads contain the fissile isotopes of plutonium or uranium, and these all emit radiation, either spontaneous neutron or gamma radiation ↔ 所有核弹头都含有钚或铀裂变同位素...
Define Fissile isotope. Fissile isotope synonyms, Fissile isotope pronunciation, Fissile isotope translation, English dictionary definition of Fissile isotope. adj. 1. Possible to split. 2. Physics Fissionable, especially by neutrons of all energies. 3.
1. Iran claims to have processed a small amount of uranium so that it can be used in a power reactor; they say they have enriched the fissile uranium-235 isotope of their material to 3.5%. 伊朗声称:它已加工了少量能在核反应堆中使用的铀。伊朗人表示:他们已把自己所用材料中的易裂变铀 235...
ParaCrawl Corpus The atomic nucleus of U-235 will nearly always fission when struck by a free neutron , and the isotope is therefore said to be a "fissile " isotope. 铀-235的原子核每次被自由中子 撞击几乎都会发生裂变 ,而因此它也被称为是裂变同位素 。 ParaCrawl Corpus The...
5、Thus, we need to start getting rid of this material along withfissilematerial created for weapons use.(因此,我们在清除用于制造武器的裂变材料的同时也需要开始清除这类材料。) 6、"You can look at it like a couple of very large uranium mines," he said of thefissilematerial that would result...
1 :capable of being done or carried out a feasibleplan. 2 : capable of being used or dealt with successfully : suitable. 3 : reasonable, likely gave an explanation that seemed feasible enough. What is U-235 and u238? U-235 is themain fissile isotope of uranium. ... The nucleus of ...
英文: But this isotope is radioactive and decays about six times faster than does uranium 238, which indicates that the fissile fraction was much higher in the distant past.中文: 但是,铀235是具放射性的,而且衰变的速度比铀238快六倍,表示在古代,这个易分裂同位素的比率,比现在高得多。
closed thorium–uranium–plutonium fuel cycletransmutation of actinides by fission reactionThe paper shows that the use of 232Th as a fertile isotope instead of 238U and the main fissile isotope 233U instead of 239Pu, the use of heavy water instead of light water as a coolant, and its ...
17.And this again is the fissile isotope. 这也是易裂变同位素。 18.Some believe that Pyongyang has both a limited stockpile of fissile materials and no need to prove a well-tested capability. 19.Since 2019, Tehran has gradually breached the old deal's limits and gone well beyond, rebuilding...