In Wrath of the Lich King, you can level the Fishing skill in any water where you can cast your line. This allows you to easily sit at the Fishing trainer in a capital city and level from 1-300 in one spot. At level 300, you will have to head to Outland and talk withJuno Dufra...
Return to the cooking trainer. Learn Black Jelly and cook all your Borean Man O' War. This should take your cooking skill to about 415. Train Grand Master Fishing from Angelina Soren. She is on the dock. Fishing 360-450 Travel to Wintergrasp and fish in any water from Fishing skill 360...
Also for this section be sure to have the recipes for Feltail Delight, Blackened Trout, Blackened Sporefish, Baked Manta Ray (trainer), Dalaran Clam Chowder (trainer), Smoked Rockfin (trainer), and Black Jelly (trainer) and Imperial Manta Ray (you must have Dalaran Cooking Awards to buy ...
If a fishing trainer is standing nearby, you can be sure the water is deep enough. If you are in a river and get the message, try moving up or downstream. If in a lake, try moving a bit into the lake. Also, you can stand, sit, or even lie down while fishing. The [Fishing ...
Were found in cooking and fishing trainer learning skills. Buy recipes in the north of the village, fishing supplies merchant Bloodhoof: delicious fish, recipe: long mouth loach, and the fishing rod The river began fishing until skill was up to 75, capturing fresh, delicious fish, at...