May is one of the best months of the year to fish out of the Victoria area. Places like Constance Bank, Clover Point and Oak Bay flats will hold nice springs and sometimes in good numbers. Don’t be afraid to move between spots depending on the tides; this way you can hit a couple...
Tom is on a fishing trip this week. While on this trip he learned his friend and legendary fly-fishing author, John Gierach had passed away at 78. In his honor Tom asked me to post his last intervew with John from May of last year and to share this with all of you: ...
The heavy surf, moving tides and rip currents from an Atlantic hurricane far out at sea caused the bite to all but shut down on the coastline. We tried every trick in the book but the big bites we did get turned out to be toothy sharks that would cut the line almost immediately and ...
the reefs and wrecks is steady. Plenty of fish to fill the cooler and some mondo knuckleheads coming up. Summer striper action is going well; find the right tides and baits, and it’s on. Some chunky fish are out there lurking. At the docks, small snappers are in, and they’re ...
Halibut fishing is always subject to weather and sometimes tides, so be prepared to target other species. Rockfish and lingcod are easily found just outside the Sooke Harbour mouth to the right or starboard side near the Sooke Bluffs. Remember that this is a Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA),...
Some awesome opportunities have arrived here on the east end. Big bass have begun to cruise the sandy coast of the south shore, and anglers are picking them off near the major structure points. Fish to 40 pounds have been reported by surfcasters who are targeting the night tides. Mullet...
Shell bottom banks Lower tides Effective bait: Dead shrimp Live mud minnows Black drum mixed in the action Mostly 15-17” fish Staged in similar areas as reds Most productive bait: dead shrimp Speckled trout up to 24 inches caught in early mornings Red drum fishing downriver picking up with...
But November has brought us some substantial fronts and much lower tides. And many happy, tailing redfish! I've only had but once chance this month to hit the marsh - and it was pretty successful. But judging from several friends who've been out this past week, the fishing has kicked ...
Incredible first time experience. Captain Josh even checked tides and the moon to see when would be the optimum time to head out. Perfect day catching 6 bull reds, a size of fish we don’t see up north in WI. You can see the love and excitement he has for fishing and makes sure we...
at dinner, it left me wanting more, and the cool part was that Steve made me another one for me to enjoy at home. Steve was a good friend but passed 10 years ago and every time I have crawfish pie it reminds me of Steve and New Orleans. This recipe is in memory of an old ...