Inazuma Fishing Spot 10Medaka, Akai Maou, Purple ShirakodaiMedaka, Lunged Stickleback Sumeru Fishing Spots TheSumeru regionincludes several fishing spots, some of which we're still working to unlock. For now, here's where you should look. ...
Inazuma– narukawa ukai How many Genshin Impact fishing spots are there? The short answer is loads. There are many Genshin fishing spots to find all across the world, which means there’s Inazuma fishing spots, Mondstadt fishing spots, and Liyue fishing spots. ...
Main locations are Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma. Let’s further break down these locations for more accurate spots. In Mondstadt, look out in Stormbearer Mountains, right side of the Teleport Waypoint. Another good spot is in the river south of the Seven Statue in Widrise. There is another...