Welcome to the official Wiki for Fishing Planet. Now we have0 active editorswho created and maintain106,327 pages (3,005 articles). What is Fishing Planet? Fishing Planetis a unique and highly realistic online first-person multiplayer fishing simulator developed by avid fishing enthusiasts for ang...
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Price DLC Fishing Planet: Golden Angler Pack DLC Fishing Planet: Advanced Pack DLC Fishing Planet: Deluxe Pack RIVERTEX™ Loki™ Edition This ultra high-performance spinning rod of the Spinntex™ premium line now comes in the new Golden Edition! Unbelievably powerful, Loki™ Golden Editi...
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35.5" (cm) 90 Line Capacity (lb/yds) Mono 32/180, Braid 30/320 (mm/m) Mono 0.5/180, Braid 0.28/320 Max. Drag (lb.) 49.6 (kg) 22.50 Ball Bearings 11 + 1 Weight (oz.) 28 (g) 800 Drag Front Required level 1 Price DLC Fishing Planet: Golden Angler Pack UL...
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