Welcome To NetKnots.Com | The Most Trusted Knots On The Net. HomeFishing KnotsUni Knot Uni Knot How to tie the Uni Knot.Also known as theDuncan Loop Knotand theGrinner Knotthe Uni Knot is a good and dependable knot for monofilament to terminal tackle connections. Some anglers find it ea...
HomeFishing KnotsYucatan Knot Yucatan Knot How to tie the Yucatan Knot, as it was first developed in the sport fishing waters off Cancun and Isla Mujeres. There is some confusion as to the tying of this knot with many incorrect depictions on the internet, most often showing a variation of...
Fishing KnotsChoose a knot below, or scroll down for more information: Join different types or thickness of fishing line. Used to attach the fishing line to the arbor or spool center. Strong loop for double-line leader and loop-to-loop join. Strong double-line leader and for loop-to-...
Dive into the world of fishing with our comprehensive library of fishing knots. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned angler, our app provides step-by-step picture instructions to ensure you tie the perfect knot every time. Categories Tailored for Every Fishing Need: ...
Fishing Knots includes the following knots: The Palomar Knot The Improved Clinch The Trilene Knot The Uni Slip Knot The San Diego Jam Knot The Snell Knot The R…
Here I will show you how to tie the best fishing knots and how to tie up the best fishing rigs! I also love to get out and fish for Salmon, Steelhead, Trout and Bass! I love to share those fishing ...
Advantages:The Snell Knot is one of the older fishing knots and is claimed to provide a reliable connection that preserves the strength of the fishing line – particularly if the thickness of the eye is greater than the line diameter.
We will show you how to tie the Palomar Knot. This popular and very strong knot is easy to tie, and one of the most reliable fishing knots out there. The Palomar Knot can be used for both freshwater and saltwater applications. This is a great fishing knot to add to your arsenal. [F...
▸ Blood Knot ▸ Albright Knot Tie a Loop in the Line ▸ Perfection Loop ▸ Surgeon's Loop ▸ Dropper Loop Tie Backing to Reel ▸ Arbor Knot Other Useful Knots ▸ Float Stop Knot ▸ Uni Knot • SUPPORT: fissionmedia.com 更多 新...
line knots that will strengthen rather than create a "weak point" in your line. It's the nature of knots, however, to weaken line to some degree. It's unavoidable. So choosing the correct knot for the circumstances is the first step. Next is to tie your fishing line knots "properly"...