Tide tables and solunar charts for Eight Mile Creek: high tides and low tides, surf reports, sun and moon rising and setting times, lunar phase, fish activity and weather conditions in Eight Mile Creek.
Colorado, and he has a different take on winter fly fishing, and some different methods. I've found it fascinating to see how each guest approaches this differently and hope you pick up some tips as well.
I was not yet frustrated, but I could not help thinking about the time I hunted elk in Colorado, near Cripple Creek, for nine days and I never even saw a bull. In this manner we were to continue for three more days. It was on the third day that we actually got on our first viab...
We also fished a lot of other lakes for stripers after that and we caught some nice ones out west including the Colorado River, the California Aqueduct and the Delta but the San Luis Reservoir and Oneil forebay is where my striper roots begin. Posted in Fishing Stories | Leave a comment...
fishing in Canada. Newfoundland and Labrador have lots of Salmon-filled waters. TheExploits Riverin central Newfoundland, with 20-40,000 fish passing through the waters annually. Another island river to target is thePortland Creek River, offering plenty of Salmon among a calm and peaceful back...
4 MILE MILL RANCH: 325-347-6719; FM 1871, Mason, TX 76856. Turkey hunting on 600 acres SW of town. SEASON HUNTING OPPORTUNITIES: (The) CABINS AT MARSCHALL CREEK: 512-658-4452; Hwy 87, Mason, TX 76856. See above description.
Colorado grand slam of trout (a brook, a brown, a cutthroat, and a rainbow trout), and drinking a 12% beer all within 12 hours–with other outings to scout possible fishing locations along those Troutman routes. This past week, I tied together a Troutman attempt with a 100-mile run as...
Legendary fly fishing in Central Pennsylvania doesn’t get better than Spruce Creek. It’s a limestone creek near Penn State and has a half-mile public access area used to study brown trout. You’ll find brook trout, rainbow trout, and brown trout for the catching. ...
The put-in for this float is on Goodrum Road in Warren County for a nearly four-mile paddle to the KY 240 Bridge on Woodburn – Allen Springs Road near the community of Drake. Parking for several vehicles and an easy carry down at the Goodrum Road access awaits boaters. However, the ...