Three crab pots can be earned at any Fishing Level by completing the Crab Pot Bundle in the Fish Tank. Completing the bundle without playing the fishing mini-game (or using crab pots) requires 4 fish foraged from the beach and 1 crab obtained by killing crabs in the mines. Food ...
抛掷距离增加一格鱼饵 威利的渔具店解锁玻璃纤维鱼竿和鱼饵 蟹笼海之菜肴 威利的渔具店解锁蟹笼 高级鱼饵虫饵盒回收机 威利的渔具店解锁高级鱼饵 抛掷距离增加一格 渔夫 鱼的价值提高25%。 捕猎者 建造蟹笼所需的材料用量会减少。 等级6等级7等级8等级9等级10 ...
Fishing is one of the five main skills inStardew Valleyand an excellent way to make some money. However, the fishing minigame involves a bit of skill and the type of fish you can catch changes each season. Combine that with a few different fishing locations, bait, and tackle, and the f...
Bubblesgreatly increase the rate at which fish bite and can also alter the relative chances of each fish type at the location. Careful placement of the bobber on the edge of the bubbles allows the bubble bonus to be used in any of the adjacent tiles, providing some ability to optimize the...
Stardew Valley: Fishing How to Play the Fishing Mini-Game Learning how to catch fish in Stardew Valley will help you make gold from catching fish, and provide ingredients for cooking recipes. Fishing is probably the single hardest aspect of Stardew Valley, because it's not immediately obvious ...
JACKFUSU Uploaded by jackfusu Virus scan Safe to use Translation Tag this mod Description Files1 Images1 Videos0 Articles1 Posts2 Bugs0 Logs Stats About this mod 自己翻译的 Share Requirements Permissions and credits 作者的“总是显示传说鱼”和“显示未捕获的鱼”我也不明白有什么用干脆就这么翻译...
chibiKyu Virus scan Safe to use Gameplay Replacer Cheating Unbalanced Fair and balanced English German User Interface View more...Tag this mod About this mod Your personal fishing assistant. that will handle the tough, boring, and tiring fishing for you, without you having to click even once....
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Stardew Valley: A Complete Guide To Enchantments & Weapon Forging Stardew Valley's Trout Man Makes a Strong Case for an Expanded Dating Pool Sign in to yourGame Rantaccount Summary Update 1.6 for Stardew Valley has brought a surge in fan-made guides, including a fishing chart for easy referen...
Farming/SkillStardewValley星露谷维基 Mining/SkillStardewValley星露谷维基 Fishing/SkillStardewValley星露谷维基 Combat/SkillStardewValley星露谷维基星露谷1.6版本发布,点击查看更新日志。 本站点内容全部基于官方维基和游戏资料制作,基于CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议分享,严禁抄袭,转载需注明来源。 我们反对任何破解和盗版行为,请前往...