performed phylogenetic divergence dating analyses, and A.G. performed analyses of lineage diversification rates. E.D.B. and P.C.W. performed morphological comparative analyses. C.E.T., P.C., W.B.L., P.F.C., P.J.U., A.D. and B.C.F. aided in the interpretation of certain ...
Ichthyosarcotoxism has been known for a long time in the Red Sea, in the Caribbean and in the whole Indo-Pacific area. Hieroglyphics dating back to about 2700 bc mention the toxicity of a particular Red Sea Tetrodon. Alexander the Great, during his conquering expeditions in the East around...
Maximum likelihood Bayesian phylogenetic and dating analyses were calibrated using 20 fossil species. An additional 124 fish species were grafted onto the chronogram according to their taxonomic affinity to obtain a phylogenetic tree including 498 species. Finally we also present the associated SST data ...
sectioned otoliths; (2) testing the validity of estimated age and lifespan with bomb 14C dating; (3) establishing a basis for the low-cost method of using otolith mass as a proxy for cardinal snapper age in the study region; and (4) establishing the identification protocol for the species...
SHRIMP zircon dating and Nd isotopic systematics of Palaeoproterozoic migmatitic orthogneisses in the Epupa Metamorphic Complex of northwestern Namibia of the Congo Craton and is exposed in a hilly to mountainous terrain of northwestern Namibia, bordering the Kunene River and extending into southern Ang...
E. Probabilistic divergence time estimation without branch lengths: dating the origins of dinosaurs, avian flight and crown birds. Biol. Lett. 12, 20160609 (2016). Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Smith, S. A. & O’Meara, B. C. treePL: divergence time estimation using ...
The Google Images searches querying for ocean surgeonfish, A. tractus and A. bahianus, identified pictures from 26 wider Caribbean locations; BSS was detected in 14 locations of which 13 were new, with the first detection dating back to 1985 in Bonaire. The Southern Ca...
This voluminous monograph of a scientific team from the Far-Eastern State Technical University of Fisheries and the Institute of Marine Biology FEB RAS deals with marine, freshwater, and migratory fish that occur in the Sea of Japan along the coasts of Primorye Province and in the numerous lakes...
He also discusses Ea, the god of water dating back to Sumerian times, for which a fish-god or man-fish was a symbol, still to be seen on ancient monuments in Iran (see also Green (1986)). The Middle Elamite rock relief at Tall-i Bakun near Persepolis in Fars depicts a river ...
Uranium-series dating of the Pleistocene reef tracts of Barbados, West Indies Detailed studies of reef-tract stratigraphy in the southwestern part of Barbados have revealed nine, seven, and ten reef tracts in the Christ Church, Clerm...