2100 Neil AvenueColumbus, OH 43210 fisher.osu.edu 236 people following this school 131 people applying to this school Honor Roll (16) Members Accepted by Fisher 0 mqt001 1 ManikAhmed 2 matthew.rosebaugh 3 barryami 4 [email protected] 5 piper123 6 bschoolprospect2013 7 sarangjn 8 aa...
The Fisher College of Businessat OSU has less than 800 students enrolled in its various programs. Receiving around 1700 applications a year, securing a place at the school of business can be quite competitive. “We used to make our admissions decisions based entirely on the paper application,”...
首先Econ在RU不是Rutgers Business School的专业而是我现在所在的School of arts and science的专业。至少...
Fisher is located in the Midwest, how do you see that as an advantage? Who or what influenced you that you choose business as your career path? What are you doing to prepare for the transitino to graduate business school? If your team mamber disagrees with your idea or your approach, ...
a top chicago business school, the driehaus college of business & kellstadt graduate school of business are known for their innovative programs. グローバルランク - -fisher.osu.edu fisher provides tomorrow’s business leaders with an academic foundation that fosters principled leadership, entrepreneur...