Johanson, ZerinaJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdPalaeontologyRuta, M. & Wills, M. A. 2016. Comparable disparity in the appen- dicular skeleton across the fish-tetrapod transition, and the morphological gap between fish and tetrapod postcrania. Palae- ontology 59, 249-67....
The suborder Icosteoidei consists of the peculiar North Pacific ragfish, Icosteus aenigmaticus, which has a largely uncalcified, cartilaginous skeleton and is a preferred food of sperm whales. The small, marine and freshwater gobiesocoid clingfishes are shallow-water and even amphibious fishes oft...
Undulation vs. Oscillation Undulation is a wave-like motion, while oscillation is a back-and-forth movement Types of Cartilage Hyaline, fibrocartilage, and elastic cartilage Chondrichthyes Cartilaginous fishes with traits like placoid scales, cartilaginous skeleton, and exposed gill slits Placoid Scales St...