Trace elements in the water, sediments, and fish of the upper Mississippi River, twin cities metropolitan area - Boyer - 1982 () Citation Context ...ter generated in the metropolitan area. About 225 million gallons (0.85 million m3 ) of treated wastewater are discharged daily...
The distribution and relative abundance of fish species in Pool 7 of the Upper Mississippi River near Dresbach and Dakota, Minnesota were compared in three habitat types on the basis of catches in hoop nets and gill nets. Habitat types included the main channel, side channels, and backwater ar...
This study determined whether fish assemblages differed among various artificial and natural habitats within the main channel border (shallow, nearshore areas) of the upper Mississippi River, and assessed whether different types of artificial structure influenced fish assemblage structure over long (>0.2 ...
The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) completed 2,692 collections offishes from stratified random and permanently fixed sampling locations to six study reaches of the Upper Mississippi River System during 1999. Collection methods included day and night electrofishing, hoop netting, fyke net...
Movement of Tagged Channel Catfish in the Upper Mississippi Rivercloud computingbioinformaticsmetagenomicsgenomicsSUMMARY Top of page SUMMARY 1INTRODUCTION 2MAKING USE OF DISTRIBUTED HETEROGENEOUS RESOURCES 3GUIDELINES 4CONCLUSION Existing applications in computational biology typically favor a local cluster based...
(1984) Relationship of young-of-the-year northern pike to aquatic vegetation types in backwaters of the upper Mississippi river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 4, 514– 522. Ihaka R. & Gentleman R. (1996) R: a language for data analysis and graphics. Journal of ...
Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni, the Alabama cavefish, is a federally endangered stygobitic fish that is restricted to Key Cave in northwestern Alabama. Due to the low abundance of this species and the continuous threats to the cave's recharge area, we surveyed Key Cave from 1992 to 1997. Alabama...
Significance of Riverine Hypoxia for Fish: The Case of the Big Sunflower River, Mississippi. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(1): 170-186. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00606.xAbstract: Degraded streams draining low-relief, intensively cultivated watersheds may ...
A Summary of Fish Data in Six Reaches of the Upper Mississippi River System. The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) completed 2,723 collections of fishes from stratified random and permanently fixed sampling locations in ... S Gutreuter,RW Burkhardt,M Stopyro,... 被引量: 52发表...
Borrow-pit lakes encompass about a third of the lentic water habitats (by area) in the active floodplain of the Lower Mississippi River, yet little is known about their fish assemblages. We investigated whether fish assemblages supported by borrow-pitlakes resembled those in oxbow lakes to help ...