(invasiveness), and are therefore more likely to be informative. Our study also raises a question as to why most species, whether native or non-native, tend to gather in or invade the crowded center of the functional space, even if the space near the border is almost empty. We expect ...
Mechanical fish developed in Richland, Wash., have made their way through dams from Ice Harbor near Pasco, Wash., to the MekongRiver in Southeast Asia.Now hundreds more are expected to be deployed around the world, thanks to an agreement to commercialize the technologydeveloped at Pacific Northw...
The primary control method it proposes is to promote a commercial blue catfish fishery that would give watermen a new product to market while removing invasive fish. While this is already under way, the report says it may require new investments, such as new or expanded processing facilities, ...
for profit in cities, which has culminated in the modern global market economy and commoditization of fish. This, in turn, has created pressure to produce more fish, resulting in a positive feedback between technology and markets, both as drivers and products of its commoditization. To gain ins...
the plot of the number of detected mRNAs versus the corresponding threshold value. The number of mRNAs less sensitive to threshold movement was chosen in the near plateau. A threshold was manually determined in individual cells so that the mRNA molecules detected with given thresholds could be ...
The map will change substantially in the near future as new shellfish producing regions start exporting their products to countries requiring safe limits of regulated toxins as a must for seafood imports. Meanwhile, consumers will continue acting as a “human bioassay” to provide evidence that the...
near future67. In order for such high-performing fish-free feed for tilapia to succeed in the market, we acknowledge thatSchizochytriumsp. needs to become cost-competitive with FO sources for aquaculture feeds. Analysts predict ongoing technological improvements and R&D efforts to produceSchizochytrium...
The fact that active fisheries of jellyfish in eastern countries, North and South America as well as the UK have survived the fluctuating abundance of jellyfish suggests that the available biomass of jellyfish is sufficient to sustain the request of the market over time. Additionally, management ...
Again, shucking, scrubbing and cleaning remain processing options (e.g. canning) that can be used to safely market abalone from this region. 3.1.2 Case Study 2: STXs in Whelks and Moon Snails Japan - During surveillance on the toxicity of invertebrates such as bivalves inhabiting the coasts...
west coast may have entered a "dinoflagellate regime shift" [38] suggesting that toxigenic Dinophysis and associated DSP toxicity may continue to plague this region in the near future. 3.3. DSTs in the USA The first advance warning of a toxic Dinophysis bloom was facilitated by an Imaging ...