Dissolved oxygen concentrations below 5 mg/L may be harmful to fish and piping (gulping air at the surface) may be observed when DO falls below 2 mg/L. Low levels of DO are most frequently associated with hot, cloudy weather, algae die-offs, or heavy thunderstorms. Dissolved oxygen can ...
Fish can be categorized by the type of swim bladder they possess: a physostomes or a physoclists. Fish with swim bladders that are physostomes fill their swim bladder by gulping air at the water’s surface. The air then quickly passes through a tube-like connection to the swim bladder...
But some of the smaller of the species, in particular, are most vulnerable. This fish’s diet also varies greatly by location. Most species feed on random algae, snails, worms, insects, and other small marine creatures by sucking or gulping them up with their huge mouths. The larger ...
This was 5 days ago and this evening I noticed one of my fish was surface gulping a bit, after testing the water I found nitrites were 1.0ppm, ammonia was about 1.5ppm and nitrate 20ppm. This is after doing a 30% water change this morning. What do you think caused the spike, I ...
generally gulping it at the water’s surface. They have a special ‘labyrinth organ’ which acts like a lung that enables them to survive in oxygen-depleted or polluted waters. Males will reach about 4 inches (11 cm) in length with the tail fin trailing on for an extra inch or two. ...
Continuous gulping and gasping at the surface suggests oxygen starvation or poor water quality (may indicate temperature stress). How to Handle Aquarium Fish? As with all delicate creatures, you should only handle fish kept in captivity when you need to do so, such as when moving them to a ...
Fish with gill flukes (Dactylogyrids) may become hypoxic with heavy infestations and may be found “gulping air” at the water surface. Fish infested with skin parasites, such as ich (Ichthyopthirius multfiliis), rub against hard surfaces, lose scales, and hemorrhage in the area of ...
Fish may appear lackluster and may be seen gulping air at the water surface (or piping). Gills should be examined under a microscope by a trained diagnostician for authentication of the disease. Laboratory diagnosis of branchiomycosis is based on the examination of the gill filaments by the ...
areas such as swamps, lakes and large rivers. Capable of breathing moist air, it can survive during dry seasons due to their ability to "climb" out of water and "walk" short distances in search of small ponds where they can remain for long periods, gulping up air at the surfa Read ...
These insecticides interfere with the sodium channel of the nervous system resulting in prolonged sodium tail current. Widespread application of these chemicals has warranted the attention of the ecologist to understand the impact of these chemicals on the aquatic environment. In this perspective, an ...