but in a group it shows courage to swim through the plants. Their color adds so much beauty to your aquarium. BrightLED lightsare visible in the blue. If you add a group of 10 or more cardinal tetras to your planted tank, you will ...
These guys can be a little tricky to care for because they prefer live food like daphnia and micro worms. However, if you’re willing to make the effort, these adorable fish can be fascinating centerpiece fish for a well-planted nano tank, especially if kept with other nano fish like cele...
The Scarlet Badis is a quiet and calmfish oftenfrightened by larger, more aggressive fish. Other little tranquil fish are excellent tank mates for this reason. You can rely upon them dead for no apparent reason. They will often have vibrant coloring as the male seeks to breed before dying ...
Planted tank suitability: Yes Siamese algae eatersare terrific little sucker fish that are famous for their habit of eatingblack brush algae(BBA). This makes them an awesome choice forplanted tankenthusiasts who want a little help keeping their tank clean. 5. Zebra Pleco Scientific Name:Hypancistr...
Fish to Avoid for Planted Freshwater Tanks Cultivating a freshwater planted tank is hard work and the last thing you want is to have all of that hard work destroyed by adding the wrong fish to your tank. To avoid this problem, do your research to determine which species to avoid when stoc...
NOTE: Every tank is different, every human is different. Some lightly stocked tanks will need less, some heavily planted, heavy eating planted tanks will eat more. (Just like I eat a bigger dinner than my 6 year old :) Try some of our Plant Booster Growth Juice TODAY....
Aquatic plants, Plant, Fish tank image. Free for use. Comments The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments aquatic plantsplantfish tankplanted tanksproutcolorconch Related free images LotusSeed PodPlant ...
Best Small Fish Tank For Beginners September 4, 2023 Nano aquariums are tiny fish tanks that can be kept in your home, even if you do not … Read More 10 Best Aquarium CO2 Regulator Reviews September 2, 2023 If you’re looking to have a flourishing planted tank, you have to ensure tha...
Java Moss Easy Beginner Aquarium Moss Plant for Planted Tank – Glass Aqua $3.99 Easy Buy Now What Do Oscar Fish Eat? (Oscar Fish Diet) Now that you know what the ideal tank should look like for your Oscar fish, it’s time to look at what fish food you should be feeding them...